Agraeixo a la Fundació la Caixa la confiança i el suport ofert al nostre projecte "Els docents com a agents transformadors de les pràctiques educatives gràcies a la seva participació col·laborativa en un projecte…
E-Twinning online seminar
THANK YOU FOR THE INVITATION. TALK AVAILABLE HERE. This talk has a double-folded objective. First I will present two classroom projects in which primary and secondary learners of English develop the so-called 21st century skills…
Data session amb Cèlia Pratginestós
“GREIP Data session” a càrrec de la meva doctoranda Cèlia Pratginestós.
Thanks for Joining GREIP at APAC 2020
Open your classroom to video producers, social media users and real travellers was the title of the talk Cèlia Pratginestós and myself gave at APAC ELT Conference 2020.
Segon dia de l’Escola Doctoral del GREIP
Segona Jornada amb la ponència del Dr Ufuk Balaman i la discussió de les dades de la tesi de la meva doctoranda Cèlia Pratginestós.
Join GREIP at APAC ELT 2020!
Join Cèlia Pratginestós and myself on Friday 31st January at APAC ELT Convention.
RecerCaixa presente en SEDLL 2019
A multimodal study of (linguistic) mediation in digitally-mediated non-formal contexts of English learning fue el título de mi presentación junto a Emilee Moore.
DATE project is present at ICERI 2019
We presented our paper “Exchanging glances on the development of a joint education and research programme carried out at a secondary school in a socioeconomically underprivileged millieu” at ICER2019.
RECERCAIXA present at a conference in Istanbul
“The views of teachers, trainees and secondary students on the challenge of organising learning around TEPBL” is the title of the paper I presented at the International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing.