Congressos sobre l’enfocament per projectes

Conferències per invitació en congressos de caràcter nacional                     


Integrative projects in the English primary classroom: where we are now and where we want to go. Multidisciplinary Integrative English Projects in Primary Schools. Institut de Ciències de l’Educació de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona (Catalunya). Melinda Dooly & Dolors Masats.

Congressos de caràcter nacional                     


No project. APAC-ELT CONVENTION 2019: Release your Inspiration!. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Catalunya). A+Project team.


Let’s act! Kids like us need our help. APAC-ELT CONVENTION 2018: Rethinking Teaching; New Challenges & New Solutions. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (Catalunya). Dolors Masats, Melinda Dooly & Maria Mont.

Congressos de caràcter internacional                     


The Views of Teachers, Trainees and Secondary Students on the Challenge of Organising Learning around Technology-Enhanced Cross Disciplinary Projects in the English Classroom: A Case Study. 6th International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing (NTELTISTANBUL). Istambul, (Turquia). Dolors Masats & Andy Morodo.


Analysing Student-Teachers’ Perceptions On Own Participation In A Telecollaborative Project-Based Training Experience. ECER (European Conference on Educational Research) 2012. Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz (España). Dolors Masats & Alba Ambròs.


Opening the Horizons: Integrating CLIL and Web 2.0 with Young Language Learners. International Congress TRI-CLIL 2012. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (Barcelona). Dolors Masats, Melinda Dooly & Maria Mont.


(Tele) Travelling through Art: A case study of a Telecollaborative Language Project with Very Young Learners. 4th International Conference ICT for Language Learning: Content and Language Integrated Learning (PIXEL-ICT). Firenze (Italia). Dolors Masats & Melinda Dooly.


Multimodal story telling through CMC: A collaborative teacher training Project. EUROCALL CMC & Teacher Education SIGs Annual Workshop 2011: “Getting the Bigger Picture: Language Teacher Competences on CMC Settings”. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra (Barcelona). Dolors Masats i Alba Ambròs.