THANK YOU FOR THE INVITATION. TALK AVAILABLE HERE. This talk has a double-folded objective. First I will present two classroom projects in which primary and secondary learners of English develop the so-called 21st century skills…
DATE project is present at ICERI 2019
We presented our paper “Exchanging glances on the development of a joint education and research programme carried out at a secondary school in a socioeconomically underprivileged millieu” at ICER2019.
Nous membres a l’equip d’A+Project.
El nou curs ens porta canvis. Enguany, serà la Carol Barriuso qui m’acompanyarà en la tasca de liderar l’equip A+Project. Hem d’acomiadar també a algunes de les companyes amb qui vam treballar el curs passat i donem pas a noves mans. Tinc ganes de posar-nos ja en marxa!
Conferencista invitada al II Congreso Internacional en Didácticas
Profundamente agradecida por haber sido invitada a participar como conferencista en el II Congreso Internacional en Didácticas, organizado por la Secretaría de Educación de Colombia y la Universidad de Manizales.
LiSTiAC a la pàgina de notícies de la UAB
A la pàgina de notícies de la UAB destaquen el nostre projecte. Estem molt contentes!
LiSTiAC guanya un ajut per a l’organització de congressos
Amb l’ajut tenim previst organitzar unes jornades sobre experiències i estratègies de gestió de la diversitat lingüística.
ARMIF present at a conference in Paris
Maria Mont and I presented a paper, Training Teachers for a New Era, within the framework of our 2015 ARMIF 00010 project, at the 16th International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS), Paris. Always a pleasure…
A+Project is born
The Institute of Educational Sciences (ICE) of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona has teamed us, a number of in-service teachers and teacher educators, with the objective of taking the challenge of gaining (and sharing) expertise on the implementation of PBL in primary schools and the use of multiple resources (realia, digital tools, gamification, etc.) to teach and get young children learn English. I will colead the group together with Maria Mont. We are ready to rock!
RECERCAIXA present at a conference in Istanbul
“The views of teachers, trainees and secondary students on the challenge of organising learning around TEPBL” is the title of the paper I presented at the International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing.
ARMIF present at a Conference in Istanbul
“21st Century Teachers and the Importance of Experiencing Innovation during School Internships” is the title of the paper Maria Mont and myself presented at the International Conference on New Trends in English Language Teaching and Testing.