StandAPP and Speak UP! was the title of the workshop we offered this year at APAC 2020 conference.
Thanks for Joining GREIP at APAC 2020
Open your classroom to video producers, social media users and real travellers was the title of the talk Cèlia Pratginestós and myself gave at APAC ELT Conference 2020.
Join A+Project at APAC 2020
Come and join our worksop!
Join GREIP at APAC ELT 2020!
Join Cèlia Pratginestós and myself on Friday 31st January at APAC ELT Convention.
Issue 5 of A+Project Newsletter is ready
Enjoy the reading!
A new book on PBL is out there!
I am happy to announce I have a new publication on PBL in the market.
DATE project is present at ICERI 2019
We presented our paper “Exchanging glances on the development of a joint education and research programme carried out at a secondary school in a socioeconomically underprivileged millieu” at ICER2019.
Issue 4 of A+Project Newsletter is ready!
Enjoy the reading!
Nous membres a l’equip d’A+Project.
El nou curs ens porta canvis. Enguany, serà la Carol Barriuso qui m’acompanyarà en la tasca de liderar l’equip A+Project. Hem d’acomiadar també a algunes de les companyes amb qui vam treballar el curs passat i donem pas a noves mans. Tinc ganes de posar-nos ja en marxa!
We are launching a free downloadable book on PBL!
I am happy to announce I have published a new book on PBL, edited with Maria Mont and Nathaly Gónzález-Acevedo.