THURSDAY, 28th January 2021 at 6pm. Don't miss it! Dealing with Blended Learning: Tips that Work!Blended-learning was recently just an educational trend. Today it has become a must for most language teachers across the…
One story a day (week four)
A+Project, the team I co-lead, will publish a 4-to-8 minute story every day during this stay-at-home period. Again, this fouth week all videos are captivating silent short films. Vist A+ Project blog and enjoy them!
One story a day (week three)
A+Project, the team I co-lead, will publish a 4-to-8 minute story every day during this stay-at-home period. This third week all videos are captivating silent short films. Vist A+ Project blog and enjoy them!
One story a day (week two)
A+Project, the team I co-lead, will publish a 4-to-8 minute story every day during this stay-at-home period. This second week all videos belong to the Jungle Beat collection. All in English. Vist A+ Project blog…
One story a day (week one)
A+Project, the team I co-lead, will publish a 4-to-8 minute story every day during this stay-at-home period. This first week all videos will present animated versions of Eric Carle's work. All in English. Vist A+…
Thanks for Joining A+ Project at APAC 2020
StandAPP and Speak UP! was the title of the workshop we offered this year at APAC 2020 conference.
Join A+Project at APAC 2020
Come and join our worksop!
Issue 5 of A+Project Newsletter is ready
Enjoy the reading!
Issue 4 of A+Project Newsletter is ready!
Enjoy the reading!
Nous membres a l’equip d’A+Project.
El nou curs ens porta canvis. Enguany, serà la Carol Barriuso qui m’acompanyarà en la tasca de liderar l’equip A+Project. Hem d’acomiadar també a algunes de les companyes amb qui vam treballar el curs passat i donem pas a noves mans. Tinc ganes de posar-nos ja en marxa!