Publicacions sobre tecnologia i aprenentatge de llengües


  • A+ Project (2020). StandAPP and Speak up: the game is about to start. APAC ELT Journal, 92, 20-32.

A+ Project members in alphabetical order: Yolanda Álvarez, Romina Argüello, Carol Barriuso (co-leader), Maribel Gomáriz, Elisabet Guitart, David López, Dolors Masats (co-leader), Ingrid Picola, Cristina Rodríguez, Esther Serramià and Berta Solé.

  • Dooly, Melinda, i Masats, Dolors.(2015). A Critical Appraisal of Foreign Language Research in CLIL, YLL and TELL in Spain (2003-2012). Language teaching: surveys and studies, 48(3): 1-30.

Capítols de llibre

  • Mont, Maria i Dolors Masats (2018). Tips and suggestions to implement telecollaborative projects with young learners. A Melinda Dooly i Robert O’Dowd (Dirs.) In this together: Teachers’ experiences with transnational, telecollaborative language learning projects (pàg. 92-122). New York/Bern: Peter Lang. Gold open access.
  • Dooly, Melinda; Masats, Dolors, i Koenraad, Ton (2008). Using portals to open horizons. A Melinda Dooly (Ed.), Telecollaborative language learning: a guidebook to moderating intercultural collaboration online (p. 127-148). Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 13: 9783039115235.
  • Dooly, Melinda; Masats, Dolors; Müller-Hartmann, Andreas, & Caballero de Rodas, Beatriz (2008). Building effective, dynamic online partnerships. A Melinda Dooly (Ed.), Telecollaborative language learning: a guidebook to moderating intercultural collaboration online (p. 45-75). Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN 13: 9783039115235.

Actes de congressos

  • Dooly, Melinda; Mont, Maria, i Masats, Dolors (2014). Becoming little scientists: A case study of technologically-enhanced project-based language learning. APAC Journal, 78: 34-40.
  • Mont, Maria; Masats, Dolors, i Dooly, Melinda, (2012). Opening the horizons: integrating CLIL and Web 2.0 with Young language learners. A Natalia Evnitskaya, HelgaMartínez Ciprés, Emilee Moore, Claudia Vallejo Rubinstein, (Eds.), TRICLIL 2012 proceedings: Better CLIL: more opportunities in primary, secondary and higher Education. II International Round Table on CLIL Programmes & VI Colloquium on CLIL in Catalonia (pp. 97-101). Bellaterra: Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
  • Masats, Dolors, i Dooly, Melinda (2008). Applying mixed media to teacher training: The OVIDE experience. A Luís Gómez Chova, David Martí Belenguer i Ignacio Candel Torres (Eds.), INTED2008 Proceedings. València: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Edició en CD-Room. ISBN: 978-84-612-0190-7. Dipòsit Legal: V- 823-2008.
  • Dooly, Melinda, i Masats, Dolors (2008). Meeting the challenge of future needs for today’s teachers: Training for telecollaboration. A Luís Gómez Chova, David Martí Belenguer i Ignacio Candel Torres (Eds.), INTED2008 Proceedings. València: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). Edició en CD-Room. ISBN: 978-84-612-0190-7. Dipòsit Legal: V- 823-2008.
  • Masats, Dolors, i Dooly, Melinda (2007). Case methodology applied to the use of videos: An example of a blended-learning experience in a pre-service teacher training programme. A Elena Añaños i Maite Martínez (Coords.). IV jornades d’innovació docent. Apartat recursos virtuals. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Edició en CD-Rom. ISBN: 97-84-490-2557-0.